Make a Call

Signal Messenger allows its user to perform video or audio-only calls with the same level of privacy encryption in their application. This function uses Internet data instead of phone data and is able to perform group calls too. This guide shows you how to use one.

Press The Call Button

Signal prepared 2 call buttons in each recipient and group title bar: video or audio-only calls. They are essentially the same where audio-only call have camera disabled at first.

You can perform Call via Signal Messenger on both mobile and desktop. However, when either of them is used for the call, the others would not sync its status across it (e.g. if call happens on desktop, the mobile would not appear as calling like the desktop does).

To make the Signal Messenger call, simply press either the video or the audio-only call button on the top right of the chat channel.

Since the desktop version has a similar user interface, you can perform the same action.

Verify recipient in Signal Messenger

Configure Mode Before Initiation

Signal will request you to setup your system before initializing the call. In this configuration, you can decide whether to enter the call with camera or mic on or off. You can toggle these settings during the call.

Configure conference settings before starting call

Once done, you can proceed to start the call and Signal will connect each of the recipient accordingly.

Group / Conference Calls

Signal is able to support group calls upto 16 recipients at a time. For more information, please visit:

Group calls can be done in group chat by selecting the video call button.


That’s all for “Make a Call”. Should you have any question, please feel free to:

Email Us at [email protected]